
Friday, October 28, 2011

Bedroom Blues

Sorry for the dead silence lately. It's been a crazy few weeks. My guests have come and gone (and enjoyed their room very much!) We went to the Smokies in Tennessee for an extended weekend. All that sightseeing and entertaining meant it was hard to take pictures of anything as zero progress on the house was being made! Along with that, my substitute teaching has amped up (it's that time of year for teachers I guess), I've subbed everyday for awhile now and I'm not quite used to waking up so early yet. Added onto THAT is my cousin who is currently in the hospital for spinal surgery. He's recovering now but every evening after subbing I've spent in the hospital with him and family. Whew.

I know I've not posted many updated pictures of the house since we've moved in so I thought I'd share what's going on in the master bedroom here lately (and brag about our ginormous comfy bed again). Holla!

And yes, these are night pictures. I work people!

This picture makes me so happy. I LOVE our $45 goodwill bed! :)

Ignore the ladder, it was heavy and I am lazy. 

The curtains are just twin flat sheets hung up reeeally high. I actually like them a lot! They're only supposed to be temporary though. 

The blanket on the bed was hand crocheted by my Nana this winter. It's so FLUFFY! ;)

Turning to the right,

Rob's mom commented on how small the bedroom looks on the blog. In real life it is extremely spacious. 

Anyways, you can see my books are exploding out of the closet we stashed them all in. 

I own a TON of books.You can't really tell from the picture, but if you waded through that pile, the books reached your waist. I counted a year ago and I was over 400 books. I am sure I am much higher than that now. 

Library area of the bedroom. 

Remember the free couch Rob and I painfully dragged back to our old house from the curb? I gave it a good cleaning, and now we use it as a place to rest our red pot! Ha, I have no clue why thats up there. 

This space should look nice and cozy with my blue lace rug, artwork, books on the shelves, and a reading lamp!

I have another billy bookshelf, and I'm thinking about getting 2 more (I could easily fill them up, no worries) to put along the blank wall in the guest room. I wish I could keep all of the books together though. :( 

And lastly, 

Some behind the scenes mess. I have to dig through those in the morning to find clothes. It's not a great system.

This room is by far my favorite in the whole house. It's so soothing. There is still SO much to do like paint the walls silver sage, hang art work, and just put away everything, but I just love it. :)

1 comment:

  1. The sheets as curtains actually look REALLY good. Good work!

    And don't worry about the night photos. I do it all of the time. Some of us have bills to pay...


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