
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Crayola Box House

Hurrah for color!

It's probably wayyy too early to start planning wall colors, but this new house is like our barbie dream house so we never stop dreaming about what could be. Luckily though (at least this is how I explain it to myself) wall colors that Rob and I agree on can be put into any house, so it's not specific to this new house, if it should happen to fall through. I feel like I'm jinxing myself by saying that.

Rob is actually very into the design portion of our home. I expected him to be a bit blase about it like my own dad was, or to recommend crazy colors like bright orange like my dad did. Actually, he's quite good at it. He says this is because his mom's an artist and greatness passes on. Ha, possibly, but between us I think we've done well.

We've been stalking Benjamin Moore, Sherwin Williams and Martha Stewart paint swatches. I considered buying a paint deck from BM but the paints that I like are on two different decks and at $20 each, that's just crazy. So instead I just grabbed a swatch of everything. Yeah that's normal right? I did it in 3 trips too so they wouldn't think I was crazy. Although I am. I have about 70 paint strips from BM alone, and about half of the Martha line from Home Depot. Sorry trees, I need to indulge myself!

They're all currently living in that watering can, it is FULL!  And it's like the Barney bag when I reach inside it for colors. It makes me happy :)

I title this "the Can of Glory"

So I like color, a lot, but I like color in my pillows, curtains and bedding. Not so much on the walls, so I was leaning for a more taupe-y grey color scheme throughout the house. Rob likes color too and wanted it on the walls as well as textiles, he dislikes the builders beige walls that we've lived with for a year in this rented townhouse and doesn't like any pictures of gray walls I've shown him because he thinks they look cold.

Too Cold.

Boring beige. 

Fair enough, I get where he's coming from. But I didn't want a house that screamed CRAYON BOX either-- where each room is a different primary color and the whole house seemed disjointed from each other. 

Just looking at this gives me a migraine and heebie jeebies.

Obviously that's a bit of an over the top example, but apple green walls, blue walls, yellow walls, etc. was still too extreme. So we compromised with "whisper colors". Here are the rooms we love and want our house to emulate:

"The hidden harmony is better than the obvious."

-Pablo Picasso 

We've picked up some lovely sea blues and greens to carry through the house in varying shades and saturation. To us, brighter colors seem limiting, but by toning them down with gray and white then they become (hopefully) non-boring neutral backdrops. Plus, now Barney is proud of me. 

Don't act like you all didn't know exactly what I meant by 'Barney Bag'! 

I am excited now! Come on closing date, I want to paint! 

PS - I added the ability to reply to comments. This is so I can reply and have others see my reply, but also so we can have proper conversations instead of one way mirror talks. :)


  1. haha love the watering can Crayola picture. :) Barney WOULD be proud of that, definitely.

    My favorite "whisper color" photo is that first looks so calm and serene.

    ps I think this may be the only website in the world that has something from YHL crossed off. You WAVE-maker you! ;)

  2. I also wanted to say, it's great that you two agree and can work together! That will make your decisions SO much easier--and will eliminate the need for you to veto things such as orange walls, which will be most helpful. :)


Let's chat! Nothing is more exciting then a new comment! :)

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