
Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Warning and One Feature!!

I just want to mention two small things tonight.

First, remember I bought a quart of the new Olympic One paint (in Feildstone by Benjamin Moore) for the blue dresser, right?

Expecting to find a color similar to this:

I instead opened it up to find this:


Cue the panic and frantic stirring! Don't worry though, after my arm about fell off from the years of stirring I did, the fuchsia eventually mixed into the gray and it went away. I'm not sure if that's a unique color to ONE paint or what, but I've never had THAT big of shock before when I open the can. I think the pink is the magic primer though... I'm just guessing, since the gray paint was still perfectly mixed up at the bottom. So, just expect some surprises with ONE paint!

Rhoda at Southern Hospitality featured me again for my blue dresser score at the thrift store. 

See it here!

Thanks so much again Rhoda! Now I feel pressured to get this thing done! Good thing I whacked it a few times with a hammer earlier ;)


  1. I think its an all paint thing, the white Dulux I used for undercoat when I did my room was neon pink when I opened it, bit of stirring and it went brilliant white.

  2. @ickle

    There's always a color difference yeah, but not usually a hot pink color, just a darker or lighter shade of whatever color you have.

  3. What? I would have freaked out. Interesting!


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