
Monday, October 31, 2011

Really really bad pictures

Thrilling post title I know ;) Here are some other (awful) pictures of the rest of the house (excluding the living room!).

Look away if you expect gleaming pictures of loveliness and unpacked spaces. We have been very busy so yeah we still have boxes everywhere. No judging people.

Ahhh I'm blinded by the cheap "oak" cabinet glare!!

Oops I forgot to close the trash can lid. Oh well. The counters are super cluttered too. I haven't figured out the best organization just yet! 

Here's how it looked a few days after moving in:

About the same! Ha

The blue tape along the ceiling is where we cut in with ceiling paint but then haven't gone back and rolled on the rest of it yet. Lazy. 

On the other side of the kitchen we have this GORGEOUS (sarcasm) table I found at the Restore for $5. Oh and a $2 arm chair and a $1 ugly curvy one. Those will both be gone. 

I'm planning on getting some $30 ikea wicker chairs to put on either side of the table, repainting the table, and figuring out something to do with that chandy. Rob likes it, I think it's weird. I do like the table though, it has potential. 

Wide angle view so you know where you are, in between the pantry and the downstairs bathroom/ mancave.

 As a tangent, check out my new dishes! Canopy brand knock off Pottery Parn Emma dishes. Oooh Ahhh.

Oh, and here is the mancave.

Well, we needed somewhere to stash the junk for now! We're going to work on setting this room up this weekend. Rob is dying to play xbox in here.

And lastly, the upstairs bathroom. Rob let me have that pink rug from ikea ($2.99!). I snatched it up in seconds and hid it under the other stuff in our cart in case he changed his mind. :)

This is why I haven't shown the pictures yet and please view the mess kindly! The house is really not pretty yet aside from the master bedroom, guest room, and living room :( Baby steps! 


  1. It'll get there! It's like a clean slate to work with! So much potential, it's going to end up lovely :)

  2. A word to the wise, complete the "man-cave" LAST !!!!!
    If you don't, you're going to find your honey and his friends playing X-box games non stop. (Cuz it's going to be way cool down there and no one will want to leave). :)
    Love what you have done so far.

  3. Vanessa is so right! unless you can get on better by yourself?

  4. Your house has great potential! It all takes time..which is half of the fun..and torture. It'll be a fun adventure and look how much blog material you will have. :P


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