
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Bird Craft

My Nana saw this in a magazine in a waiting room recently and whipped herself up one. I went to her house this weekend and LOVED it on her coffee table so she got me the stuff to make my own too!

It's super easy to do and doesn't require any crafty bone in your body. I promise.

- Greenery
- White stuff to put in the bottom (fake snow, sugar, epsom salt, or normal salt)
- Glass bowl (any shape is fine, my nana's is in a glass urn). 
- Birds
- Little ornaments (for the "eggs")
- Birds nest

So all I did was collect some evergreen-y twigs and pine stuff from a tree in her yard (well okay, she did this for me). Then we used some expired salt the previous owners of this house left. I was never comfortable actually ingesting it so this was a good use. The rest of the stuff can be found at Hobby Lobby (I got my glass bowl from there for $6 on sale). The birds, nest, and ornaments are less than $10.

Then you just pour in your "snow", plunk down some greenery, pop in your nest and eggs, and then perch your birdies wherever you want! 

I liked one of them being perched on the rim of the glass. The kitten keeps knocking it over though.

I put the extra greenery awkwardly on the dresser. I am not crafty enough to make it look nice. Maybe it's my brand/breed of evergreen. My living room looks very christmas-y now. This picture also highlights how dry the coffee table currently is. 

Anyhow, it's easy to do, cheap, and it makes me happy to see it! :)

The funny thing is that Rhoda at Southern Hospitality posted another remake of the very same article my Nana used! I read it a few minutes ago and sent her the link to this page too. That's so funny. Everyone likes bird bowls this year haha! 

Linking this up to:


  1. Oh I LOVE this! I want one! I have the glass bowls from our wedding... hum.... yep, on it, must buy nest, bird & "eggs" this week. :) For the leftovers that are on your dresser, get some of the fake stuff to mix up with it & it'll look more full & pretty. And you should TOTALLY refinish that coffee table! Oh, it would be so lovely! Ahhhhh! You could strip it & stain the top & paint the bottom or paint the whole thing. Refinishing furniture is my favorite, I just don't get my hands on enough things to do! Let me live vicariously through you... do it! do it! (I'm chanting..... true) HA! Uh, anyway, enough rambling, right, I love the greeny-birdy-bowl. Smart Nana. That is all.... *grin*

  2. Love it! Nana's are brilliant!

  3. I love this!! Very nicely made. I totally would love to make something like this myself if I knew a store around here that sold these birds!!

  4. My grandmother loves cardinals - as in her bathroom is decorated with them all year long! She'd love this!!

  5. I really dig this! Love the cardinals and the branches. And I also love that it was inspired by your Nana - that makes it better in my book.

    Thanks for linking up to Dare to DIY!

  6. Wow! You are a Christmas crafting genius! So glad I found your project via Centsational Girl.

    Please stop by for a visit to my blog. I am currently in the midst of a Gifts to Make series.

    Be Merry and Bright!

  7. I usually hate bird stuff but this is so fun and unique. Way to go Grams!

  8. I have some little birds that I didn't know what to do with! Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. love the birds. I got some from ebay because I didn't know where to look in my area. I am collected birds for my tree!


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