
Monday, July 18, 2011

An Ode to an Oiled Coffee Table

We have been looking for a square coffee table for our two couches for MONTHS! I have stalked the awesome Goodwill next to us every week since January when we got our two leather couches from my aunt. And the table had to be square so that both couches could use the coffee table equally. The thought of a rectangular one bothered me because one couch would have all the room to put their drinks on but the other would just have a small nub of sadness. This epic piece of art explains:

We cannot condone couch inequality. 

So square table we needed. Or circular I suppose. 

Therefore I was very excited when I finally found one! I mentioned that we got it in the recent goodwill post for $4.50:

We desperately need a rug too.

It was filthy, had deep scratches all over it, faded varnish and several chunks of it were missing. I can see why they priced it so low. 

But, I was desperate  enlightened and could see the loveliness within. Hopefully. 

So I sanded back all of the varnish with a block sander, then went over the top with our mouse sander to smooth out the deep gouges and chunks. When I went to wipe off the dust from it with a damp cloth I was greeted with this promising sight!

What? You don't do your furniture on a penguin fluffy christmas blanket?

Again, this is just the results of a wet rag.

Next, we oiled it up using Natural Danish Oil and that's it! It took 3 saturating coats but I think it looks 100x better now, don't you?

Flash shot - shows off the buttery sheen the oil gives it. 

I LOVE the wood grain. The legs still need a little work. They are a different, lighter, wood than the top (which is walnut I think according to some internet comparisons). 

Just ignore the clashing wood tones and imagine we have a rug between the table and floors.

I love the table now. I do worry it doesn't really "fit" in since most of our furniture is more cottage-y. Oh well, if I find another square one with a better shape then I can just sell this. So long as I get more than $5 for it then I've made a profit!

I've got a tutorial ready to show how to even use danish oil so I'll post that sometime tomorrow. It's completely fool proof don't worry. AND you can usually do it inside too. :)


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