
Monday, September 19, 2011

Bit of a Ramble

I took the GRE this weekend. I studied... a bit. Okay hardly. I mainly just worried. I think I definitely passed it with a high enough score for grad school though (they give you a range of numbers your scores fell in and they seemed about right). Anyway, sorry for leaving you hanging. I've been SO drained since then.

I've got a million things on my brain right now, so this post is an amalgamation (ooh GRE study word, fancy) of the random stuff floating around me right now. Enjoy a glimpse into my brain.

I googled "my brain" and this was the "I'm feeling lucky" image it gave me. It seemed apt. 

Just to warn you though, all of these pictures are taken with my phone. Sorry for the quality. 

I went to our Restore last week and saw 2 campaign night tables for $10 each. They're like little dressers, like the Ikea Rasts. I didn't get them though and I kind of regret that now. I'm still not sure if they'd look good with our bed though. 

The brass corner bits are mostly painted over. 

I'm debating buying these sheets from walmart (the ones the right). It sounds cheap but I've heard they wash up nice and are very soft?? Rob shreds our sheets after a few months anyways so I don't want to spend a lot.

I picked up some hardware for the dresser at Michael's of all places. They had drawer knobs in the $1 bins!! I had to go to both Michael's to get all 6 that I needed since they were picked over but I love them! $1 is a lot cheaper than Hobby Lobby knobs would be. 

And of course the holes were too small so I had to fix that this weekend too. 

My Urban Outfitter order came in. I'm really enjoying having my jewelry on display now!

My Nan bought us two sets of these beaded white plates (from Walmart).

They're a good knock off of the Pottery Barn Emma line of dinnerware. 

Not to be outdone, my mom bought me these piggy tongs. Ha. I might have a small collection of animal themed kitchen stuff. Like a pirana pizza cutter, octopus dish scrubber, woodpecker scissors, monkey clips, etc.

I got little pumpkins for my wreath idea for $1.50 per bag from Michael's. I had a bit of a fail with the wreath making this weekend. :(

I got this ribbon for the wreath, stupidly forgetting that since it has no wire it will be impossible to tie bows with. :( It's so cute too. 

I got a case for my new phone from ebay for $7 plus a car charger :)

I like this fabric from Hobby Lobby. I don't normally like their stuff. I have no clue what I'd do with it but it's so cheap! Maybe guest room?

And finally, I am full of excitement. We have a closing date and it is real!!! I'm not going to say when it is, for fear everything will go bottoms up but I am too excited to keep totally quiet!! :)


  1. Oh the GRE....what a joke. I still fail to see why anyone needed to test my math skills in order for me to be admitted into a reading and literacy program. Don't tell anyone important that I said that. (I'm sure you did just fine.)

    Good luck with your (hopefully) closing!! Exciting stuff! :)

  2. I LOVE your crockery!


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